CBD for Women's Health - The Benefits

Women's health and CBD

Healthy women, healthy world

Have you heard this saying? We love it, as we feel it’s so true, women are the cornerstone of families overall health, it’s so important that women care for themselves and have access to the care they need.

The health of women differs from that of men in many unique ways and is referred to as Women’s health. At each stage of a woman’s life, there are important preventative health care steps to follow. Many women may neglect health care for a number of reasons, however, in the end, it comes down to whether or not you wish to make yourself a priority. After putting so much energy into caring for others, it is time us women deserve the level of care back towards themselves and with some of the benefits CBD can offer womens health it should be one to being adding to you self-care routine 

Before we start on the benefits of CBD for women's health lets explain a little bit about what CBD is and how it works.

What is CBD?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is an active compound found in the cannabis sativa plant. It's a naturally occurring substance and can impart a feeling of relaxation and calm.

What does CBD do?

The human body has an active endocannabinoid system (ECS) with receptors. Its main receptors, CB1 and CB2, run throughout our bodies and studies have shown that they are instrumental to the body running smoothly. CB1 receptors are found particularly in the brain and co-ordinate emotions, mood, thinking and memories. CB2 receptors are common in the immune system and affect inflammation and pain.

Our body produces cannabinoids naturally for this system but sometimes doesn’t produce enough and CBD has been shown to be helpful in balancing this. CBD can provide the body with additional cannabinoids to assist the ECS with maintaining the body’s harmony.

Benefits of CBD for Women's Health

Research has shown that the benefits of CBD can include easing the symptoms of some of these problems that females face:

  • Periods and endometriosis
  • Perimenopause and menopause
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Sleep and sex
  • Chronic pain

Although currently the research into CBD for this area is in its early days, there are promising reports that women are finding benefit for symptoms including stress, anxiety, and insomnia.  It has also been found to have different therapeutic properties, including as an anti-inflammatory and pain reduction noted one Doctor from Canopy Health. 

Another Doctor has also said that “We have cannabinoid receptors in our uterus and throughout the female reproductive tract, and we also have them in the brain area that deals with the stress response and hormone control—the hypothalamus, This part of the brain talks to our adrenal glands, thyroid, and ovaries to help regulate hormone balance, which directly affects our symptoms. As such, CBD can help modulate the stress response via this system and is also an anti-inflammatory.” 

Our Co-founder Laura has suffered with endometriosis for over 20 years, and she says 'CBD has been a game changer for me with my pain and my anxiety.  Suffering with chronic pain takes it toll and all aspects of your life and i didn't want to depend on prescription drugs constantly. I wanted to find something natural with beneficial ingredients to help support me, CBD offers this for me personally. 

When to take CBD and how to take CBD

Understanding some of the benefits is key to understand ways to take CBD.  How the body absorbs CBD will vary depending on the product you take. Using CBD oil either with a tincture or mist sprays directly under the tongue mean that the CBD will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Capsules and gummies mean that CBD is absorbed through the stomach, and topical creams and lotions are absorbed through the skin directly where they have been applied.

CBD can be used at time of the day, choosing the time you use CBD will depend on what you are using it for. Mornings may help you balance for the day ahead, during the day may help relieve stress building it up and using it in the evening may help relaxation and sleep. For support with pain maintaining a daily routine with CBD is very important.

Matching MOi + ME products to symptoms

Period Pain & Endometriosis - Using our Moment Mist daily will build a level of CBD into to your that may help support pain and as absorbed through the tongue it enters the blood stream quicker. Using our Moment Balm to direct areas of pain will heat, soothe and help relax the muscles to ease pain.

Perimenopause and Menopause - Again, our Moment Mist is going to help here, many women at this time of life suffer with anxiety and CBD oil can be very effective in supporting symptoms of anxiety.  We would also suggest our Temple Moment, its blended with Evening Primrose Oil known for its benefits in balancing hormones.

Anxiety and depression - Have a guess what we are going to suggest......... Yes our Moment Mist, using it daily will really support symptoms of anxiety and depression.  We would also suggest looking at some of relaxing products, our Massage candle  is a beautifully scented, giving you a moment to sit and breath but once melted the CBD oil can be used on your skin.  The warmth from the oil feels soothing and calming helping bring calm.

Sleep and Sex - Our Temple Moment is in our sleep moment, as its blended with Lavender, evening primrose and CBD.  Applying to the temples at bedtime will help relax the mind body and soul for sleep. Using after a long soak in a bath with our Lavender Bath Melt, will promote even more calm before bed.

For sex you should introduce our Massage Candle into the bedroom, it will add a little more intimacy massaging each other, along with the benefits that comes from the CBD

Chronic Pain - CBD is not a miracle cure for chronic pain but using our Moment Mist daily will build a level of CBD in your system that may help support and ease pain and as absorbed through the tongue it enters the blood stream quicker. Using our Moment Balm to direct areas of pain will heat, soothe and help relax the muscles to ease pain.

You also need to remember that CBD affects individuals differently depending on several factors including body mass, internal chemistry and existing health conditions. The best way to start using CBD is by taking small amounts and building up to a recommended daily dosage, if required.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends that healthy adults do not take more than 70mg a day of CBD in food supplements and edibles, unless advised otherwise by a doctor. For our Moment Mist, this translates to up to 12 sprays a day.  Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dosage

CBD can be confusing, so at MOi + ME we offer a range of products that can fit into your daily routine, with clear labelling on dosage so you can feel confident using them.  If you think any of the above products could support you, please use discount code WOMENSHEALTH at checkout for 20% discount 

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